Thursday, November 25, 2010

Beginning of international cricket

Cricket is one of the most delightful sports which the people of the world enjoy playing and watching. It is one of the sports which provides great entertainment to the spectators. In the recent years, the subcontinental fans of the sport of cricket have ruled the roost. But before the game began immensely popular in the Indian subcontinent, it was the West Indians, the English and the Australians fans who had a large role to play in thedevelopment of the game. 

The beginning of international cricket could be traced back to the middle of the 19th century. The information on start of international cricket is what you would find here. The details of beginning of international cricket and about cricket are provided below.

The first international match played in the sport of cricket included the countries United States of America and Canada. It was in the year 1844, that this match was played in New Jersey. That was the beginning of international cricket. But both the countries have been unable to popularize the game at home. Canada has been more successful in that respect, since it has been able to qualify for the cricket world cup on more occasions than one. Cricket in the United States of America is slowly getting popular. But it is largely seen as a poor cousin of baseball, the national sport of the country. 

The first ever international test match was played between the countries of England and Australia in the year 1877. The match was won by the Australian team by 45 runs. This was followed by another Australian test victory by 8 runs in the year 1882. That was the time when the term Ashes originated and was subsequently used to refer to all the test series between the 2 countries which followed. In the year 1971, the first ODI was held and 4 years later, the first ODI world cup. The first 20-20 international game was held in the year 2005. These are some of the details about beginning of international cricket. 

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